The Retrofitting Rage
So many of our nations largest buildings were built at a time when energy efficiency simply didn’t matter, but my how things have changed. It’s well known that putting new systems in old buildings lowers energy costs to the point that the retrofit will pay for itself, but both the public and private sector never seem willing to take advantage. Well, the Philadelphia Navy Yard decided to recently, and it’s a success story you’ll be wanting to tell your clients about. By integrating all systems, rather than just updating one as so many places do, they are set to save 38% on their energy costs and bring about 43% in energy savings- given the 38,000 square feet they’re working worth, that’s huge savings.
While it will certainly be a challenge, this is sign of the times, as well as one of things to come. More and more, as energy costs go up, people will clamor for retrofits and system optimization. Are you ready to handle that business? You can check out the details of the project as well as video by following the link below-