Energy Management for An Energy Efficient Home
Making your home energy efficient not only reduces your energy bills but also reduces your carbon footprint. There are different ways through which you can make your home energy efficient. You could utilise an energy management services firm in your area or get an energy audit conducted on your home. These services help to bring to your notice, the areas where you are consuming more energy and provide a solution.
Home Energy Audit
You could take the help of professionals to get an energy audit conducted on your home. These professionals check your home thoroughly and point out to you the areas in the home where energy is being wasted. They also provide solutions to make your home energy efficient.
Thermo graphic Inspection
Infrared scanning is used by most professional home auditors to check for any thermal defects in your home. There may be too much heat in one part of the home and as a result more energy is consumed to make it cooler.
Blower Door Test
This test is done to check the air tightness of the home. Due to air leakage, the home remains insufficiently heated or cooled. This results in over usage of the heating/cooling equipments which consume more energy.
Alternatively, you could also do a home audit yourself. Just keep a eye out for any problem areas in the home and make a checklist to correct them. Be sure to check
Air Leaks – Check your home for any air leaks. You can easily notice the parts where you may find a gap between the walls or the doors. By rectifying these gaps, you can make your home air tight, ensuring that the temperature in the home remains stable for a longer period.
Ventilation – Your home should also have adequate ventilation. Make proper use of the windows to let in natural air and lighting into the home. If you don’t have enough natural light, then install windows at appropriate places.
Insulation – The home should also be properly insulated against natural elements like snow, sun and rain. Install proper roofing fixtures and make any necessary repairs on the exteriors of the home.
Heating and Cooling Equipment – Always check your heating and cooling equipment at regular intervals. These equipment might need some minor repairs or servicing done as they are the most used electronic appliances in the home. According to 40-60% of your homes power bill comes from heating and cooling. If you are not quite ready to upgrade to a newer efficient model, consider the Electric Saver 1200. It installs on your Central A/C or Heat Pump and makes the motor more efficient. Thus lowering your energy costs.
Electrical Appliances – Check all the electronic appliances in the home. Remove the plugs of the equipment when not in use. This little action helps you to reduce your energy consumption.
Energy Management Services
There are many good companies which offer various services to make your home more energy efficient. These energy management services include conducting professional energy audits, providing information about the latest methods in energy conservation and practical tips for home owners.
Proper energy conservation depends upon you. If you decide to be more careful and prudent with your energy consumption, then you will find many ways through which you can decrease your energy consumption.
The electric saver 1200 is the best gadget for turning your home into an energy efficient one. Join our family of satisfied Electric Saver 1200 users today!
Stop wasting your time and money. Start saving your electric bills and earn your money back.
by Glenn Hough, CEO Electric Saver 1200