Are You Doing Enough to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?
Preparing for the future is important.
We have savings accounts, 401ks, college funds and insurance policies to make sure our families are taken care of in the future.
We recycle and take action to try and reduce the impact that we are having on the planet.
But is there anything more that you can do to contribute?
What is a “Carbon Footprint”?
“Carbon footprint” basically refers to how much energy a person, home, business or other organization is using. Electricity has to be generated by a power plant that usually uses fossil fuels. Burning these fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere and it’s one of the ways our consumption has a negative effect on the planet. Reducing your carbon footprint generally means using less electricity overall or getting energy from sources that don’t require fossil fuels to be burned. This way, less destructive gases are released into the atmosphere and less damage is done to the planet. Energy sources that don’t use fossil fuels are called “alternative” or “renewable” and refer to things like solar energy, wind power or hydro (water) generated power.
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Reducing your carbon footprint is something that has a major positive impact on the future of the planet. It’s doing your part to ensure you’re not wasting electricity and thus wasting the earth’s natural resources unnecessarily. We all take measures to use less. The motivation can be environmental concerns or financial concerns or even a political standpoint. Whatever the inspiration, it is important to all of us in some way to use less and create a good effect on our environment instead of a bad one. We are all future energy savers in one way or another, but it’s important that we all strive to be better and save the earth’s precious resources as much as we can. You’re probably already trying to do this. So the question is, how can you do more?
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Energy Saver Pro Tips
If you can afford to do so, switching your home to a solar panel system is a major way that you can really get into the renewable energy game. Solar panels aren’t as hard to come by as they may have been years ago but they are still fairly expensive. The great thing is they pay for themselves over time and often improve the value of the home they’re installed on. Recent developments and technological advances have made solar panels more efficient, more affordable and much easier to regulate and operate. Many even have integrated applications that can be run by smart phone or a smart system installed in your home and you can even see how much energy you are saving in real time.
Switching from traditional electricity to solar requires a bit of money up front and it is an investment. But it’s an investment not only in terms of saving money on future electric bills, but also in using less fossil fuels and reducing your carbon footprint in the long run. Unfortunately, many cannot afford to make the switch.
If you are with the majority who can’t see investing tens of thousands in a whole new energy system for your home, you still can take effective action to make a difference in the amount of energy your home is consuming.
Consider a much less expensive alternative: power factor correction. When your home is drawing power from an electric company, a portion of it is wasted and lost in what’s referred to as “line loss.” This means that electrical current is flowing from power lines and through the wires in your home to reach your appliances. During this travel, some electricity is lost on the lines in the form of heat. Electricity can also be wasted and lost by older, inefficient appliances and devices in your home. A power factor correction device is one that stores up this otherwise wasted electricity and essentially recycles it back into the motors in your appliances so that it can be used. This has a dual effect: it saves this otherwise wasted electricity and it saves you money as your home actually begins to use electricity more efficiently! Even better, these devices are easy to afford and easy to have installed.
One of the top-rated and best-selling power factor correction devices, the Electric Saver 1200, is manufactured by a save energy company in Florida and costs less than $200! It’s easy to have installed on your home’s main electric panel and can save you up to 25% on your monthly electric bills. And since you are billed for your energy usage, savings of 25% on your bill means that’s how much energy you are saving!
Of course, energy savers know that there are many other ways to reduce the amount of electricity they use on a regular basis. Programmable thermostats are a great device that you can install in your home to limit how often your air conditioning unit turns on, especially when you’re out of the house. These devices can reduce energy consumption by 10% a month and have a large impact on lessening your carbon footprint.
If you live in an area where the weather permits, you can also limit your energy consumption by using ceiling fans and leaving the windows open to let the beautiful weather outside into your home. What’s better than saving electricity and getting to enjoy the cool breeze through your home? Natural light and fresh air flooding in through your windows not only saves energy and money, it can also improve your mood and the entire atmosphere of your home!
If you are serious about reducing your carbon footprint and being a future energy saver, there are a ton of ways you can do it. Whether you choose to install solar panels or another device intended to reduce your energy usage, any change is better than none if it means improving the energy efficiency of your home and reducing electricity waste!